February Wrap Up

I have no idea how I managed seven books this month!





Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling

I liked the turn this one took, it gave more of a darker feeling. I found pieces of the puzzle being put together. My favorite out of the series so far.


172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad

After reading this one I felt like my head exploded! It was fantastic! Although I didn't find myself becoming attached to any of the characters, I still enjoyed it. 


Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

This one broke my heart! It didnt need to end like that! My first Rainbow Rowell. I loved the writing style. This was the most quirky and awkward thing I have ever read!


The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

I enjoyed the writing style, and the multiple point of views. I loved the humor of Cassie. However, I felt like this one was too predictable. 


A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller 

I wasnt crazy about this one. Our main character basically uses everyone to get what she wants. I didn't like the way feminism was used. Overall, it was just alright. 


The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

I LOVED the 90s references in this one! I enjoyed the jokes made about Facebook and the writing. I loved the multiple point of views. I enjoyed seeing our main leads personal development.


Catacomb by Madeleine Roux

I did not like this one. I loved the first in the series but each one is getting worse and worse. For me, it failed at being creepy and suspenseful. 


I hope everyone had a great reading month!